Death from the Shadow

A Guide to the Ninja

by Jb200


UPDATE 6/4/14: Reorganized the guide. Made some minor format changes and broke up sections into their own docs to clean up the guide and make for easier navigation.

The Ninja is a Rogue Alternate Class first introduced in Ultimate Combat.  Although it is technically a Rogue, both thematically and mechanically the Ninja class is very different.  Think of a Ninja as a more focused Rogue.  Their class abilities and Ninja tricks are focused almost entirely on Stealth and Damage.  The only real choice in building a Ninja is: how are you going to kill your target.  This guide is going to focus on only the “Core” materials, i.e.: CRB, APG, ARG, and the two Ultimate books.  The Golarion specific stuff is really nice and have some great options, but I want this to be usable by the most amount of people, and frankly there is just too much stuff out there and this Guide would go on forever. If you would like to comment or have any suggestions please feel free to comment on the thread on the Paizo messageboards found HERE.

For some preliminary matters, I want to lay out the rating system.  This system was first used by Treantmonk in his Wizard, Druid, and Bard guides.  The ratings are as follows:

RED(*): A very poor option. Should be avoided in nearly all cases.

ORANGE(**): A mediocre, or uncommonly useful option. Generally not worth it.

GREEN(***): A solid option. Good in most instances.

BLUE(****): An excellent option. Should be taken in nearly all cases.

I would like to start out before getting into the meat of the guide to say that this is my opinion, and mine alone.  Although I usually base my opinion on math, statistics, and the general consensus (as I see it) from the larger Paizo community from the Paizo Messageboards.   Again this is a guide for Optimisation, I would strongly suggest that you only take this guide as advice on what ability to select if you aren’t sure.  Select a character concept that fits both your play style and the specific needs of your campaign and party. Also, I would like to give credit to Sean FitzSimon, I used his Oracle guide “Channeling the Cosmos” as a template for my guide. With that over with, on to the meat.


There are a few different ways to build your Ninja that really take advantage of the Ninja Talents and how they synergize with feats.

“Ninja”: This is the classic ninja paradigm, focused on silent infiltration and death.  For Ninja Tricks, you should look for ones that increase your ability to enter areas unseen and difficult to enter and deal quick lethal damage.

Tricks: Darkvision, Hidden Weapons, High Jumper, Sudden Disguise, Undetectable Sabotage, Vanishing Trick, Wall Climber.  

Advanced Tricks: Assassinate, Ghost Step, Invisible Blade, Master Disguise, Unbound Step.  

Feats: Quick Draw, Betrayer.

Monk:  This build revolves around the use of unarmed attacks and ki.  You should think of your character as a non-lawful monk.  The idea is to build your character around the Unarmed Combat Training and Unarmed Combat Master Ninja Tricks.  It also couldn’t hurt to have 1 or 2 level dip in Monk, many of the abilities work well together.  A level 4 dip in Monk allows you to have ki off wisdom, which is much better than Cha.

Tricks: Acrobatic Master, Deflect Arrows, Snatch Arrows, Style Master, Unarmed Combat Training.  

Advanced Tricks: Evasion, Unarmed Combat Mastery, Unbound Steps.

Feats: Agile Maneuvers, Wind Stance, Stunning Fist, Two-Weapon Fighting

TWF: The Ninja goes TWF for the same reason that the Rogue goes TWF, because more attacks means more SA damage, which is the whole point.  Use two light weapons, since it’s not about the weapon damage anyways, this allows you to only need one Weapon Focus feat. This build is actually less concerned with Trick selection, and more about feats.  Really this can easily be meshed with either of the two builds above.

Ranged: This build focuses on ranged weapons that allow you to attack from afar. There is a fun build around Charging Hurler and Shot on the Run, and the Scout Archetype that can get sneak attack w/o needing to be on the front lines.

Tricks: Choking Bomb, Deadly Range, Flurry of Stars, ki Charge, Poison Bomb, Smoke Bomb

Advanced Tricks: Blinding Bomb, Deadly Shuriken.

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Many Shot, Charging Hurler, Shot On the Run, Master Alchemist

ki-Focus: Unlike every other build, this one places a higher emphasis on Cha and beefing up your ki pool and taking full advantage of the many ki Ninja tricks and ki related feats.

Tricks: Acrobatic Master, Darkvision, Forgotten Trick, ki Charge, Shadow Clone, Ventriloquism

Advanced Tricks: Ghost Step, See the Unseen, Shadow Split, Unbound Steps

Feats: Deny Death, Extra Ki,  Gliding Step, Ki Throw, Ki Stand.

The Basics


Selecting a race for your character can go a long way toward defining who this person is. It is a great way to really jump-start your Role Play and character development.  It also can make a big difference on how you build your character.  Unlike many other classes, there is only really one bad choice, the rest are just the difference between good and great.  For additional breakdown of the new options from the Advanced Race Guide (ARG), to to the Races Section.

Dwarf (*): What, a race that has a bonus in your only real dump stat and a penalty in one of your most important? No thank you.  Darkvision is nice, but you can get that with a Ninja Trick, and the rest are either only ok or useless.  The alternate racial traits don’t really work well with your other class features. The alternate favored class bonus for Rogues (remember a Ninja is just a rogue by another name)  is way too situational, and you’re not really the trap finder that the straight Rogue is. Unless you REALLY like the flavor or you already have a ki pool from Monk, you should avoid Dwarf.

Elf (****): What’s not to like, a bonus to your primary stat and the Int/Con balance each other out. Low-light vision is nice for stalking in shadows.  A bonus to perception and some nice weapon proficiencies to boot.  Yeah elven immunities are nothing to write home about, and elven magic is useless, but you can switch them out for the Silent Hunter alternate racial trait, which is really nice.  

Gnome(***): No bonus to Dex hurts but the bonus to both Cha and Con help to balance that out, and the Sta penalty is less troublesome than for most melee classes.  Small size tends to balance out to a minor plus; slow speed hurts, as does the penalty to CMB/D, but the bonus to hit and AC, as well as the boost to Stealth, helps to make it a small benefit as a whole.  As with the Elf, bonus to perception is always welcome, and the bonus to craft helps making those poisons easier.  Defensive Training and Hatred are unimpressive, but you can replace them easily with Alt racial traits.  Eternal Hope is really nice; rerolls are very powerful and the chance to avoid that one critical fumble each session is really nice.  All in all, not the best choice, but definitely a solid one.

Half-elf(***): Bonus to Dex, check.  Bonus to most important skill in the game (Perception), check.  Free Skill Focus in most important class skill (Stealth or UMD), check.  Of course, if you glance over at Humans, you see that they get 3 Skill Focuses for your 1, so that really hurts the viability of the Half-elf.  Even if you don’t like Skill Focus, you can trade it in for a +2 on Will Saves (Dual Minded) or a free weapon proficiency (Ancestral Arms).  The Multitalented is nice for Ninjas with that dip in Monk or another class, letting you keep that Favored Class bonus.  The Alternate favored class bonus is nice, but you don’t do that much feinting compared to a straight Rogue.

Halfling (****): Let me get this straight, I get a bonus to my two main stats, to hit, AC, Stealth, Perception, Acrobatics and all my saves, and the only drawback is slow speed and a penalty to my second worst stat?  They’re practically begging you to take this.  I know a Halfling Rogue is super cliche, and everyone at the table will roll their eyes at you, but everyone takes it because it’s only gotten better with each edition.  A++.

Half-Orc (***): The movable bonus is really the only reason this is green and not yellow.  Intimidating and Weapon Familiarity are so-so, and while Ferocity is nice when you need that one more action to drink a potion, the point of being a Ninja is to not get hit in the first place.  Darkvision is nice but you can get that as a Ninja trick. Not much else to say.

Human(****): Really, you expected human to be anything but blue? Floating stat bonus is nice, bonus feat is always nice and the extra skill point is too, even for a skill monkey.  A+


For the Ninja there is really only one stat that matters: DEXTERITY!!!! It makes you harder to hit, it gives you bonuses to your best save, your most important skills are based on it and you should be taking weapon finesse as your level 1 feat, so it gives you better attack bonus as well.  Start it high and put all your level increases in it.  

After Dex would have to be Cha. This sucks, because although Cha is how you get more ki, it only gives you a bonus to a handful of skills otherwise.  At least the Monk adds Wis to his will save and his AC, but what can you do?  This is probably the best argument for taking 4 levels in Monk first, so you don’t have to use Cha.  

Next comes Con.  More Hp is always nice.  As the only front line fighter in light armor you will get hit, especially after you do 20+ damage with your first sneak attack. This needs to be decent to keep you upright but if you’re depending on your Con to keep you alive, you’ve already lost. A boost to Fort saves is nice.

Strength isn’t terrible, but you don’t need it except for CMB and carrying capacity, and CMB can be fixed with Agile Maneuvers.

For Int, you are a skill monkey and the more skill points the better, and luckily you don’t need to take Combat Expertise, so no more than 12 really.  That said, you can probably leave this at 10.  Humans can easily get 10 skill ranks per level.

Finally is Wisdom.  Other than those with Monk dips, Wis is your only real dump stat. I know it hurts your Will save, but you need to get your points from somewhere.


15 point buy: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14,

20 point buy: Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14

25 point buy: Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14

Some players would prefer more of a Strength build to Dexterity.  This obviously has its merits.  With higher Str you don’t have to waste a feat on Weapon Finesse and you hit harder than your Dex counterparts.  This is a good option if you are rolling your stats or have a particularly high point buy.  The down side is that with high Str means you lose points somewhere else.  Lower Dex means Lower AC and it hits you in some of your most important skills like Acrobatics, Disable Device, and Stealth.  I would say that a Dex of 14 is a bare minimum if for no other reason than AC.  

                15 point buy: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14,

20 point buy: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14

25 point buy: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14

This isn’t terrible and doesn’t gimp your main stats too much, but I would suggest that you stick with Dex build at low point buy.  Going Str is treading on serious MAD territory.  That said, if you rolled well or have high point-buy the order should be:


Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies(****/**): Simple weapons stink, but the Eastern weapons are pretty nice.  I would go with wakizashi since they have better crit ranges than short swords.  Shuriken is nice with the Flurry of Shuriken, but their range is only 10ft.  If you want to go ranged, use a shortbow.  As with the Rogue, you are the only melee fighter that doesn’t at least get medium armor or some other bonus to AC.  But light is better than nothing.  Shields would be nice.

Poison Use(**): useful for using poisons, but otherwise only ok. Now if it gave you a bonus to poison saves....

Sneak Attack(****): This is what being a Ninja is all about.  This is your bread and butter; why you get up in the morning; the reason you are in light armor standing next to a guy holding a sword as tall as you and trying to chop you to bits.  You want to do this as much as possible, that’s why you max your Dex and stealth etc.

Ki Pool(***): Being based on Cha will keep this as only green forever.  Otherwise not bad.  This really helps to separate you from the run of the mill Rogue and gives you access to some really nice abilities through the Ninja Tricks.  Bonus to speed really helps with the small Ninjas and the extra attack is always nice, but only if you are Sneak Attacking.

No Trace(**): the bonus is really too small to make a difference.  Why do I want +1 to Stealth when I’m already getting a +20 for being Invisible?  

Uncanny Dodge(****): Since most of your AC comes from Dex or Dodge bonuses, this is a lifesaver, literally.  

Light Steps(**): Nice when you need to cross a pond or lava or a very narrow ledge, but it requires a full-round action.  Being able to pass traps is nice, but I’m pretty sure the rest of you party would like it if you disarmed it so they can come too.

Improved Uncanny Dodge(***): Denying your opponents a +2 to hit you is nice, no Sneak Attack damage is ok.


As a Rogue, you are the party skill monkey.  Everyone else will expect you to cover just about all the bases that isn’t specifically their niche.  Ironically enough, if you don’t have a Bard in the party, you’ll likely be pulled into being the party Face, so don’t neglect your social skills.  Other than that, have fun with it.  

Class Skills

Acrobatics(****): this is important for moving through threatened squares to get in flanking position, if you max it you will almost always avoid an AoO.  Paired with Acrobatic Master Ninja trick and you’ll be jumping over the city wall, instead of climbing it.

Appraise(**): if you have a Bard or Int caster in the group, no more than one point for the +3.  If you don’t, still no more than 6 or 7.

Bluff(***): Needed for Feigning, but you’re not really doing it that much.  Nice for flavor, and important if you’re the Face.

Climb(*): No more than one point for the +3 really, take Wall Climber and get a climb speed which comes w/ +8 bonus for +12.

Craft(**): needed for making poisons, but otherwise avoid it.

Diplomacy(***): If you’re the Face, you need it. Also has subsumed the old Gather Information from 3.5, so more useful than you think at first.

Disable Device(****): Unless there is another Rogue in the party, you’ll be expected to max this. You won’t be as good as a Rogue but you’ll still be pretty good.

Disguise(***): Good for flavor and synergizes well with No Trace.  Infiltration is what you do, if you don’t like it don’t play a Ninja.

Escape Artist(****): this is how you get out of all those tight spots, and make up for your low CMD.

Intimidate(**): If you’re an Orc, then use this instead of Bluff, otherwise, why not use Bluff or Diplomacy?


Local(**): Used to ID humanoids, but really most PCs will know an Orc when they see one. One point for the +3.

Nobility(*): even less useful than KN(Local). One point for the +3.

Linguistics(*): this is when you don’t know what to do with that last skill point. Speaking more languages is nice but leave the more exotic stuff to the Wizard or Bard. In a pinch you can always get a wand or scroll of comprehend languages.

Perception(****): The most used skill in the game.  You will likely make more Perception rolls than anything but attack rolls.  Max it.

Perform(*): really for flavor only. 1 point.

Profession(*): see Perform

Sense Motive(***): you should be the one Bluffing, not the other way around, but don’t neglect it either. Maybe one rank per 2 or 3 levels.

Sleight of Hand(****): Why would you want to attack someone without them seeing your weapon? Max it.

Stealth(****): This is what you do.  

Swim(*): one point really is enough.

Use Magic Device(****): one of the best skills in the game.  Also, you have a pretty good Cha already. Max it to be effective.

Non-Class Skills

Fly(*): how often do you expect to use this?

Handle Animal(*): ignore it

Heal(*): leave it to the healer

Knowledge(*): really this isn’t your forte, but if you’re group is light on Int casters, one rank in Geography or Engineering or History couldn’t hurt, everything else should be covered.

Ride(**): one or two points if you do a lot of riding, but you can dismount as a move action even if you fail your check and it’ll already be decent with your Dex mod.

Spellcraft(*): leave it to the spellcasters

Survival(**): only if you don’t have a Druid or Ranger or Barbarian in the party. And really what else is your Fighter going to spend his 1 rank per level in?

A Word on Archetypes

As a Ninja, you are a really big Rogue Archetype.  Because of this, if some feat has Rogue levels as a prerequisite you can qualify for it.  This also means that you can take any Rogue Archetype that you have the class features to replace.  For instance, you cannot qualify for Acrobat because you have neither Trapfinding or Trap Sense to give up. This does limit your Archetype choices but there are a few you still qualify for. Since the only real Rogue Class features you still have are Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge, all of the available Archetypes replace both these abilities.

Bandit(UC)(**): the surprise round actions are nice, but Fearsome strike is only ok.

Burglar(APG)(**): Careful Disarm is not great, but Distraction can be quite nice especially if you Max Bluff

Sanctified Rogue(UC)(*): This has very limited usage

Scout(APG)(**): this is really the only one I would consider.  Real nice synergy with Spring Attack or Charging Hurler

Trapsmith(APG)(*): this is useless since it just makes your Trapfinding/Trap Sense better and you have neither.

Ninja Tricks and Master Tricks




The Ninja’s weapon proficiency list is long and complicated.  To add an extra layer to it, many of the weapons are “eastern” weapons and depending on the setting or the DM, many of these will not be available to you in game.  The best weapon on the list is the Wakizashi.  It is a light weapon, so it works with Weapon Finesse, it has 1d6 damage and the best crit range on the list.  If you only have Western weapons, the best would be the Short Sword.  The only thing the Wakizashi has on it is the 18-20 crit range.  For a ranged weapon, shuriken have good synergy with Ninja Tricks, but the 10ft range is really killer.  If you are looking for a little longer range option,  go with the shortbow, since you can use your iterative attacks with it.  If you have access to the ARG then Wyroot weapons might be a good idea, regain 1ki for each critical hit is nice.

Magic Weapon Properties:  Good choices are Keen, Agile(if your DM allows it), Dueling and Speed.  Also damage increasing properties are good, but don’t neglect the strait up Enhancement bonus, since you will have more trouble hitting than other frontliners. Ultimate Equipment also has some good additions: Advancing, Called, Ki Intensifying may be useful if you have a higher CMB.


This is really a choice between Dex bonus and Armor Bonus.  Masterwork Studded Leather has a +3 Armor and +5 Dex bonus, for a total of +8.  Chain Shirt also has the same +8, but it trades one Dex for one Armor.  It also has a -1 ACP (at masterwork). Since you can’t lose your Dex bonus to AC b/c of Uncanny Dodge, its more of a personal preference.  You can even take this to its extreme.  The Hamakari or Silken ceremonial armor have no Max Dex, so if you can use Eastern equipment this might not be a terrible idea.  At the very least your touch AC will be in the high teens at upper levels.  

I would say that the goal would be Mithral Chain Shirt.  This gives a max Dex of +6 and no ACP for a total AC of +10 for the cost of +1 magic armor.  A Mithral Breastplate has only a total of +11, but has a -1 ACP, costs 3000gp more and requires you use a feat to wear without penalty.  Alternatively, if you can use the ARG, a Darkleaf Cloth Hide Shirt has the same stats as the Mithral Chain Shirt and only costs 840gp.  If Eastern Equipment is available, a Mithral Kikko maybe worth looking at.  It will cost 170gp less than the Mithral Breastplate, but have the same stats as the chain shirt, but with +1 AC (still 3000gp more expensive).

If you really need more AC, pick up a masterwork buckler.  It has a +1 Shield bonus and no ACP.  Unlike your wizard friend, you don’t have to worry about spell failure so save your money on the mithral.

Magic Armor Properties: Fortification is always nice. Glamoured is a cheap way to keep your armor on and maintain your disguise. Shadow is great to boost your stealth. From UE, Creeping isn’t terrible; Brawling is a great idea if you are using unarmed strikes. Otherwise just keep up the Enhancement Bonus.  An animated shield can’t hurt, and can even be used with TWF.


For lower levels, just grab a Ring of Protection.  A Ring of Ki Mastery will make forgotten trick a better option. For your second ring some to consider: Foe Focus, Force Shield (unclear if you can use this while TWF), Strength Sapping (unarmed only), Swarming Stabs. Yes for the really expensive ones, Freedom of Movement and Regeneration are great, but that applies to just about everyone.  Ring of Evasion is helpful  but you will likely have evasion by the time you can afford it.

Wondrous Items

With the addition of Ultimate Equipment the number of items that are worth taking have increased significantly.  For items that interacts directly with the Ninja Class Features: Necklace of Ki Serenity (adding 2 to your ki pool), Amulet of Hidden Strength (regain 2 ki), Headband of ki Focus,.  Additionally, I would suggest that you ask your DM about houseruling the Ki Mat to allow a Charisma check to regain 1 ki.

Items I would strongly suggest every build get is a Belt of Dex as soon as possible.  Eventually trading it in for a Dex/Con Belt at upper levels.  Beyond the normal standbys (amulet of natural armor, cloak of resistance, headband of Charisma, etc.) here are a few items that I would suggest that you at least look at, sorted by slot.

Belts: of the Weasle, Monkey Belt,  Tumbling;

        Body: Body Wrap of Mighty Strikes, Corset of the Vishkanya;

        Chest: Poisoner’s Jacket, Quick Runner’s Shirt, Unfettered Shirt, Vest of Escape;

        Eyes: of Keen Sight, of the Eagle, of the Owl, Goggles of the Night, Sniper Goggles,

Feet: Acrobat Slippers, Boots of Elvenkind, of Escape, of Levitation, of Speed, of Striding and Springing, Burglar Boots, Daredevil Boots, Feather Step Slippers, Winged Boots

Hands: Deliquescent Gloves, Gauntlets of the Skilled Maneuver, Gloves of Reconnaissance, Pliant Gloves;

Head: Buffering Cap, Cap of the Free Thinker, Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier, Mask of the Stony Demeanor,

Headband: of Deathless Devotion, of Fortune’s Favor,

Neck: Aegis of Recovery, Amulet of Mighty Fists, Amulet of Hidden Strength, Golembane Scarab, Forge/Frost Fist Amulet, Mind Sentinel's Medallion,

Shoulders: Cape of the Mountebank, Cloak of Elvenkind, of the Hedge Wizard (abjuration for shield), Cocoon Cloak, Lion Cloak, Pauldrons of the Serpent, Shield Cloak, Treeform Cloak,

Wrist: Bonebreaker Gauntlets, Bracers of Falcon’s Aim, Long Arm Bracers, Seducer’s Bane,



From a design standpoint Pathfinder discouraged multiclassing.  Unlike 3.5, most classes get a new ability each level and they usually scale with levels in that class.  Dips are much less common in Pathfinder for that reason, but there are some that might be worth considering.   With the exception of Monk, I would suggest that most players stick with Ninja all the way through.  Multiclassing itself will never be more than an Orange(**) option, that said, the ratings I give here are if you’re going to multiclass anyways.

Arcane Casters(*): If you want first level spells just take major magic Rogue Talent. Any bloodline powers worth taking you can get through Eldritch Heritage. Your UMD should be high enough to allow you access to most spell completion items anyways. Bard is kind of a polar opposite and Summoner is terrible for only one level.

Barbarian(***): Good BAB, small boost to fort save and Fast movement is nice.  Rage may have limited usefulness but when you really need to hit that boost is good.  Uncanny Dodge stacks to give you Improved once you hit Ninja 4, two levels early.  Taking the Urban Barbarian Archetype w/ bonus to Dex is ever better.

Divine Casters(*): Cleric isn’t worth it for just one or two levels and Oracle really needs to stay Oracle to avoid a crippling curse. Inquisitor gets some fun toys but they’re all Wis dependant.

Fighter(***): one or two levels in Fighter can give you some free feats, martial weapon and shield proficiency and a small boost to your BAB and Fortitude Save.  Three levels gives you Armor Mastery if you really want the AC from Medium Armor.

Monk(****): If you want to use Unarmed Combat or are going for a Monk build I would suggest at least a 1 level dip in Monk.  This gives you Flurry of Blows, improved unarmed damage, stunning fist, a boost to your will and fortitude save and your wisdom bonus to AC when unarmored.  The only real drawback is you are level 2 and your BAB is +0.   Four levels of Monk are also not a bad decision.  This lets you have your ki pool based on Wisdom instead of Charisma.  This in itself is worth it.  You can also add on Maneuver Training, Fast Movement, Evasion, a bonus feat, and more.  The downside of this is that you will not get access to Master Tricks until level 14.  If you want 4 levels of Monk I would suggest either first four levels of Monk and then Ninja or only 1 level of Ninja.  This will keep you from falling too far behind other one class PCs in your party.

Ranger(**): the most common dip from 3.5E.  Getting those first two levels to get a free feat w/o prerequisites is nice, but you should qualify for TWF with your Dex already and point-blank shot is worth it on it’s own.  Similar to Fighter adding proficiencies and a boost to Fort saves.  Some character concepts might want to get that first favored enemy bonus if you really think of yourself as a “___________ hunter.”

Paladin(**): mechanically this isn’t terrible.  Get a nice boost to both your bad saves plus your Cha bonus to all 3. Add in proficiencies and full BAB.  Problem is that you might have a hard time playing a LG Ninja.

Ninja Tricks and Master Tricks


Races Section